20+ Years of Love

When my dad and stepmom decided to spend the New Year with us, I jumped on the opportunity to set up a photoshoot. I told them to bring something nice wear for a photoshoot. They were game! Obviously, they had no problem putting together something "nice." When I used the word "nice" I wasn't expecting a suit and fur coats, but I'll take it!! It was a pleasant surprise. I love how their attire was juxtaposed in the rustic environment. So here you have it, a "rustic glam" photoshoot! ;)

I decided to take them to the Howard County Conservancy.  I've been wanting to check out this location for a while. New Year's Eve was the perfect day because it was literally vacant. Awesome! We were able to just freely shoot without interruption. We ran through the fields, and just had fun! You can't even tell it was FREEZING out there!  I quickly thought of ways to make them laugh and loosen up, and soon the jokes, laughs, and smiles were flowing. With Lisa's fun and easygoing nature, my Dad's good sense of humor and GQ attitude (is that even a thing...oh well, I'm rolling with it), we had a great time.  They have always supported me in my love for photography, so it was nice for them to see me in action behind the camera. 

My dad and Lisa recently celebrated 20 years of marriage. Wow!  They are really an inspiration.  I look forward to continuing to watch their love grow. They have been amazing parents and grandparents. I am truly blessed to have their love and support as parents. We all know how important it is to have people in your corner, and I'm glad to have them.

I hope you enjoyed the images and this post.  As always, please like, comment, and share below. See you in the next post!