Family Photoshoot: National Gallery of Art

I had so much fun photographing this beautiful family for their maternity shoot. Blizzard 2016 delayed our shoot 1 week. However, I believe it was worth it because the weekend after the blizzard temperatures were in the 60s, which allowed us to take some outdoor shots. Hippie! My favorite! 

This beautiful will be welcoming a prince to the family soon! I know he is going be so handsome. Little Miss Olanna will be a wonderful big sister...I'm sure of it!  She is very observant and she isn't won over easily, which I think is a good thing. :) This means no one will come near her little bother without first having Miss Olanna's approval.  I'll share a little secret that MAY give you some brownie points...she loves Adele...particularly the song, "Hello".  Olanna was just waking up from a nap and I tried many tricks to get her to smile, but she wouldn't budge.  When her Aunt's arrived for moral support and played Adele, she immediately lit up. She started smiling and she even posed a bit for me. Check out all her cuteness below. :)

We can't forget about this radiant mother, who is wearing pregnancy oh so well. She is down to the home stretch of her pregnancy and is glowing. Her and her husband are quite a beautiful match, might I add. Scroll through the pictures below to see more of their photo session. Hope you enjoy.